Friday 30 March 2012

Giant Cupcakes and Little Cuppies

Last night was filled with baking... two Giant Cupcakes and a batch of little cuppies just for fun! The silicone giant cupcake mould I use is just fab and I'm definitely going to invest in a second one as it means I can have a second giant cupcake ready to go in the oven when the first comes out (they take up quite a bit of room in the oven).
First we had a golf themed giant cupcake complete with green, rough, two golf balls and a hole with flag (number 19 - the clubhouse, ha!).
Next we had a malteaser melt giant cupcake... chocolate sponge with buttercream and melted milk chocolate topped off with a family size bag of malteasers... delish!
We made a nice little batch of cuppies with the left over batter mix and decorated them with leftover green buttercream and some milky eggs - they'll be lovely with a cup of tea over the weekend...

Thursday 29 March 2012

Strawberry Champagne and White Chocolate Giant Cupcake/Cupcakes

Oh my goodness, it's been so long since I've made a post! A lot of things have changed in the kitchen since then... I've discovered GIANT CUPCAKES and all manner of fancy toppings to boot! Here's one I made earlier...

Some white chocolate dipped strawberries... this was the first time I've managed to melt the white chocolate to that 'just right' consistency

Normal sized cupcakes with white chocolate frosting topped with a chocolate dipped strawberry

From the top...

The Big One! Filled with strawberry champagne and buttercream, coated in white chocolate frosting and topped with three chocolate sipped strawberries and a paper daisy

Ta da! I'm very proud of this one :)